Jennifer Kolb
VP of Business Development


November 21, 2022


It’s no secret that employers nationwide are struggling to find the workers they need to get the job done, and the problem only seems to be getting worse. Manpower now reports labor shortages are at a 15 year high, with nearly 70% of employers reporting difficulty filling vacancies — and worrisomely, many of these vacant roles comprise the bedrock of our consumer supply chains.

Career connection platforms, like Tallo, have remained committed to helping employers overcome the challenges of today’s labor market by building solid early talent recruitment strategies even in the midst of talent shortages. Using those experiences, we’ve pinpointed three lessons learned on how employers can build their future workforce — even in a talent shortage — and succeed in today’s labor market.

Lesson #1: Start Building Brand Awareness Now

Most of the time, we think of brands as consumer-focused. But when trying to build a future workforce, brand’s should be built with talent in mind. We’ve found that companies that don’t position themselves in front of talent early lose them to companies that do. If students aren’t aware of a company/brand now, they won’t remember them when it comes time to look for a job. In surveys conducted in 2021, Tallo found that:

  • Only 45% of talent would work for a company they were not familiar with
  • 70% would be more inclined to work for a company if they were already familiar with the brand
  • 77% said they would be more inclined to work for a company if they connected with them prior to seeking a job

Another survey by Tallo showed 70% of high school and college-age students have already considered — and, in many cases, even decided on — the companies where they want to work or where they want to go to school. When a company isn’t sure early talent has them on their list, we recommend it's time to establish an employment brand that resonates.

Lesson #2: Use Data to Drive Messaging

The right data can help a brand get its message in front of the right people. Using data like talent perception analyses, location preferences, career interests, and education levels, can help employers understand what industries and roles are and aren’t on talent’s radar. Data can also help identify any gaps that may need to be filled through marketing and messaging, so companies can speak to talent in a way that they’ll understand and that best communicates the value of their brand.

Use Case: When you think of J. Crew, your mind most likely travels to the world of retail or fashion. As an American multi-brand, multi-channel, specialty retailer, you’d be right to associate the brand as a leader in this industry. However, what J.Crew wants to communicate to early talent is that they are so much more. To that end, Tallo worked with the company to craft content for talent who matched the target criteria. The results showed that 55% of talent engaged had been previously unaware of the career opportunities at the company. The campaign closed career awareness gaps for hundreds of students, while revealing how important it is to communicate with talent as early as possible.

Lesson #3: Tap into a New and Diverse Talent Pool

Once companies have constructed a powerful brand and developed a data-driven marketing strategy, the next step is to make sure those communications are actually seen by the right audience. However carefully crafted a message may be, if it’s not delivered through the right medium, it won’t reach the intended target. Employers need to connect with talent where they spend the bulk of their time. And while social media may be the first place that comes to mind, Tallo found that talent remains divided on the idea of being recruited through their social media, with 54% of respondents saying they would be comfortable with it and about 34% saying they would be uncomfortable with it. With this in mind, employers should consider other online platforms that are geared toward career connection, like Tallo, to connect with new and diverse talent.

Use Case: Tallo’s database contains just under 2 million (and growing!) qualified potential applicants around the country. Most importantly, nearly half of our user population (40%) self-identify as a racial or ethnic minority. For this reason, Target partnered with Tallo to start building their future workforce while prioritizing diversity in the recruiting process. Target’s Advancing Design Diversity mentorship program is designed to give Black and African American students interested in an art and design career an exclusive opportunity for professional development, networking opportunities, industry skills and training, and hands-on learning for the eighth largest retailer in the U.S. As these mentees continue their educational paths, Target is well positioned to reach out to them about future work opportunities, internships, and more to keep them engaged.

Learn more about Tallo

About the authors

Jennifer Kolb