In Strategies 2, 3, and 4, employer collaboratives engaged in a structured process to get the facts straight on their talent pipeline needs. Employers are now better prepared to make decisions about how they will address that need, with which partners, and how to manage and monitor activities carried out by the collaborative.
Whereas the previous strategies were focused on data collection and preparation, Strategy 5 now uses that data to make decisions about how to build solutions, which can be internal talent pipeline solutions, external, or both. Strategy 5 explores how employer collaboratives build and manage their talent supply chains to create shared value for employers, their talent sourcing partners, and, most importantly, learners.
Specifically, this strategy shows how to use decisions made in Strategy 1 on critical pain points as well as data collected in Strategies 2, 3, and 4, to make decisions about where to start in building internal and external talent pipelines. It also describes the implications of your decision on where to start and whether additional data need to be collected. Strategy 5 then provides guidance to collaboratives on identifying those providers with which they will co-design talent pipeline solutions to meet their talent needs.
Next, this strategy instructs how an employer collaborative works with its partners to co-design a talent pipeline. This includes building a value stream map, mapping competencies and curriculum to align with employer demand, developing performance scorecards, targeting and aligning incentives that optimize performance, and identifying the major risks that must be monitored and controlled to achieve results on a consistent basis.
Finally, this strategy describes why and how employer collaboratives should communicate success and calculate return on investment (ROI) in order to demonstrate value to a wide variety of audiences, including the employer collaborative members themselves.
Strategy 5 Learning Objectives
- Determine where to start in building your talent pipeline—internal, external, or both—and understand the ramifications of that decision.
- Designate preferred providers that make up your talent supply chain.
- Engage your preferred providers to co-design internal and external talent pipelines using a value stream mapping process.
- Map competencies and curriculum to align with employer demand.
- Identify leading and lagging performance measures and produce performance scorecards.
- Identify, inventory, and target existing and new incentives to improve supply chain performance.
- Identify, monitor, and manage risks in achieving results on performance measures.
- Communicate progress, outcomes achieved, ROI, and your overall impact to a wide variety of audiences.