TPM History One Pager 2023


November 01, 2023


What is Talent Pipeline Management (TPM)?

A demand-driven, employer-led approach to close the skills gap that builds high-performing talent pipelines aligned to dynamic business needs. Utilizing supply chain management principles, employers play an expanded leadership role as “end-customers” of education and workforce partnerships. The TPM® framework is composed of six strategies that when implemented together, make an end-to-end talent management process that can be used to address your greatest challenges in areas like recruitment, retention, upskilling or reskilling.

What is the TPM Academy®?

The TPM Academy trains business, workforce, economic development, and education leaders on the TPM framework. Whether facilitated in-person or online via our TPM Co/Lab™ learning platform, the TPM Academy equips you with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to implement talent supply chain solutions that create shared value for students, workers, education and training partners, and employers using our custom TPM Academy curriculum. TPM Academy graduates can take an assessment to demonstrate their understanding of the TPM framework and earn a credential to be recognized as a TPM® Talent Supply Chain Manager.

TPM History One Pager 2023