
July 14, 2020


Today, the Center for Education and Workforce’s T3 Innovation Network™ is launching a new resource hub to support the development of learning and employment records (LERs). LERs are digital records that will document learning wherever it occurs, including at the workplace, through an education program/experience, or through military training.

Resource Hub

The LER resource hub will provide a community for learning and sharing best practices and resources to support the organizations working to implement LERs. Resources will include:

  • Documentation on data standards that support interoperability across stakeholder systems
  • Technical protocols for linking data to individuals
  • Competency and skill data for populating content in the LER
  • Information about other pilot partners and potential partners for your LER pilot
  • High-level field guides that provide instructions and best practices for implementing, coordinating, and evaluating LERs

The LER Resource Hub is available to anyone that is interested in accessing its resources or partner links.

Introduction to LERs Video

Along with the launch of the resource hub, the Foundation has created a video to explain how learning and employment records will function as an important part of the future talent ecosystem.

The concept behind learning and employment records has accelerated due to the leadership of the White House’s American Workforce Policy Advisory Board, in which the U.S. Chamber’s Tom Donohue is a member.

Significant work to advance this concept has already been underway, led by the T3 Innovation Network in partnership with Annie E. Casey Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,, Lumina Foundation, Microsoft Philanthropies, and Walmart. Through this network, more than 500 organizations are working together to build an open data and technology infrastructure for a more equitable future. Members are piloting projects using cutting-edge technologies – like artificial intelligence and blockchain – to shape the future of digital transcripts to make sure that all learning counts, wherever and whenever it takes place.

Equipped with these digital passports or wallets, people will have a lifelong record that consolidates their skills and work experiences throughout their career. This is the next step in creating the future of work where people are empowered with their information and employers can more efficiently recruit the talent they need to thrive in the modern economy.