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The Drumbeat Interview Series

It’s clearer now more than ever, childcare is a major challenge for millions of Americans across the country. It was a national challenge even before the pandemic completely disrupted life for working parents, employers, and local economies. It’s also evident that the lack of access to quality, affordable childcare is indeed a workforce issue.

The U.S. Chamber Foundation has continued to work with the business community to find solutions that meet working parents’ needs and effectively address the childcare crisis. A countless number of employers — big and small — have worked to find ways to alleviate some of the burdens working parents have faced in trying to find a sustainable childcare solution: allowing remote work, increasing flexibility of working hours, even providing on-site care.

This interview series aims to bring key stakeholders, early education experts, business leaders, and childcare providers to the table to discuss not only what can be done, but what solutions are already underway in filling the childcare gaps and deploying key investments in the support of working parents.

Childcare Providers Roundtable

On this episode of The Drumbeat, Aaron Merchen, senior director of policy and programs at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, is joined by Nicole Sohn of Journey Discovery Center in Spokane, WA, and Erica Van Horn of YMCA in Custer, South Dakota, for the first installment of the Childcare Providers Roundtable.

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