T3 Innovation Network
The T3 Innovation Network (T3 Network) is a public-private collective action initiative aims to make it easier for different parts of the job market to share information and work together, with a focus on creating equity and opportunity for all.

People often can’t communicate what they know and are able to do in ways that are meaningful to employers. Yet employers, trying to find the right talent to fit their needs, rely on a person’s ability to communicate the value of their skills and experience. Our talent marketplace is fragmented, preventing an individual’s record of learning from being transferable data. And any data that is collected is siloed. This is the data and technology challenge the T3 Innovation Network is working to solve to create more equitable and effective learning and career pathways for today’s learners and workers.
Launched in 2018, the T3 Network’s mission is to accelerate the use of digital tools to make the job market fairer and more inclusive. We do this by making sure different systems can easily share information and by working together with various groups like employers, schools, data and technology organizations, and public agencies. The T3 Network has been at the forefront of using emerging technologies to improve education and employment opportunities.
- 1,500+Individuals and Organizations
The T3 Network is ensuring that:
- 1All learning counts and is reflected as data in the form of Learning and Employment Records or LERs;
- 2Competencies and skills are exchanged like currency for equitable hiring; and
- 3Learners and workers are empowered and given agency over their data so that they can successfully pursue education and employment opportunities.
As a standards-based, use case driven, and vendor neutral network, the T3 Network has consistently demonstrated its unique ability to bring together disparate networks and organizations through collective action to close data gaps and advance the field in support of T3’s vision. You can join the T3 Innovation Network—for free—and learn more about current and past projects as well as access a complete library of resources and publications at the T3 Network Hub.
You can also watch the LER explainer video and visit the LER Resource Hub, a legacy website launched in 2019 to support the emerging LER ecosystem [contains information on comprehensive learner records (CLRs) and interoperable learning records (ILRs)].
Key Projects
- Experience YouDesigned to bring everyone’s past education and experience forward — as skills. Experience You was developed to advance the growth of LERs by piloting how emerging technologies like A.I. can be used to support the issuance of verifiable and trusted records of experience and achievements for learners and workers.Learn More
- LER Resume Standard (LER-RS)This project will bridge the divide between employer hiring systems and LERs by enabling the use of LERs when applying for jobs; and developing a prototype resume publisher to demonstrate its use and support pilots.Learn More
- LinkedClaimsCreated to enable the linking of data across multiple LERs and for an individual or organization — like an employer — to validate one or more claims made in someone’s LER.Learn More
Skills-Based Hiring and Advancement
Employers are facing major challenges in closing their skills gaps, diversifying their workforces, and remaining agile in a rapidly changing global economy. As a result, many employers are pursuing skills-based hiring and advancement strategies. Learn about how the U.S. Chamber Foundation's T3 Innovation Network is providing a framework for matching employer needs with skills, and creating more opportunities for learners and workers.
Highlight: T3 Network Mid-Year Meeting
Why Modern Transcripts Don't Represent Students
At the Mid-Year Meeting, Getting Smart’s CEO Tom Vander Ark had a conversation with incoming Howard University freshman and former Arabia Mountain High School student Toni Dismuke about new ways of presenting all aspects of learning and experiences on LERs.
Shaping the Future of Work Through Continuous Learning Opportunities
Lydia Logan, Global Vice President of Education and Workforce Development at IBM, spoke to attendees during the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s T3 Innovation Network Mid-Year Meeting about IBM’s dedication to the future of work along with the company’s implementation of digital badges and credentials on a global scale.
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Latest Content
Look into our workforce crystal ball with Foundation workforce expert, Taylor Hansen, and Education Design Lab’s Naomi Boyer as they define key concepts shaping the future for employers and job seekers alike.
The T3 Innovation Network recently came together to unveil a new suite of workforce resources and outline a vision for the future of work.
Ahead of the 2024 Badge Summit in Boulder, Colo., Executive Director Taylor Hansen sat down with organizer Noah Geisel of University of Colorado Boulder for a conversation about digital credentialing innovations and community-driven ecosystems.
Emerging technologies like AI are transforming work and society, a key focus at the 2024 ASU+GSV Summit. Cheryl Oldham and Lydia Logan explore AI’s impact on jobs and skills-based practices, highlighting how IBM and the Chamber Foundation together are shaping a stronger, more inclusive workforce.
Annual meeting brings together various industries to chart the path for the initative.
More than 70 million adults in the United States are skilled through community college, workforce training, bootcamps, certificate programs, military service or on-the-job learning, rather than through a bachelor’s degree. Learning and employment records (LERs) could play a critical role in advancing skills-based hiring practices and ensuring they are implemented equitably.