Helpful Links
Andrea Anderson, Ardmore Chamber of Commerce/ Development Authority
Jason Bearce, Indiana Chamber
Jessica Belitz, Blount Partnership
Wendy Block, Michigan Chamber of Commerce
Melissa Bordelon, Greater Hammond Chamber
Bailey Bowthorpe, Salt Lake Chamber
Steve Clark, Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce
Barbara Den Herder, Sioux Center Chamber of Commerce
Angela Dixon, Capital Region Chamber
Diane Dobson, Renton Chamber of Commerce
Tiffany Esposito, Bonita Springs Area Chamber of Commerce
Pam Farris, Leadership West Virginia
Ryan Flynn, Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education (MBAE)
Karmen Gifford, Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce
Ben Gilman, Maine State Chamber of Commerce
Wade Goodsell, WMC Foundation (Wisconsin’s Chamber Foundation)
Joe Henning, Aurora Regional Chamber of Commerce
Gary Laird, Hanover Area Chamber of Commerce
Kelly McCandless, Billings Chamber of Commerce
Ben Melson, The Greater Houston Partnership
Kris Noble, Sauk Valley Area Chamber of Commerce
John Nyhan, Hampton Area Chamber of Commerce
Erin Olson, RealTime Talent (Under the MN Chamber Foundation’s Center for Workforce Solutions)
Rick Pearce, The Chamber of Commerce Serving Middletown, Monroe, Trenton (OH)
Andrea Reay, Seattle Southside Chamber
Pamela Riddler, Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce
Marilyn Roach, The Buffalo Niagara Partnership
Carolyn Ryan, Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce
Garrett Sheehan, Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce
Shelley Short, Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce/Associated Industries of Arkansas
Cally Smith, Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce
Megan Wehmeir, Douglass-Coffee County Chamber of Commerce
Josh Williams, Kentucky Chamber Workforce Center
April Wood, Garner Chamber of Commerce
Ellen Albright, Greater Reading Chamber Alliance
Marcy Angelo, Youngstown/Warren Regional Chamber
Molly Blankenship, Chattanooga Area Chamber of Commerce
Camille Conaway, Louisiana Association of Business and Industry
Steve Cox, Rogers-Lowell Area Chamber of Commerce
Shaun DuFault, New Castle- Henry County Chamber of Commerce
Carlos Fernandez, Las Vegas Metro Chamber of Commerce
Rosanne Foust, San Mateo County Economic Development Association
Anne Gill, Tempe Chamber of Commerce
Mike Glavin, Greater Cleveland Partnership
Adrian Hale, Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce
Heather Hardinger, Branson/Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce Tany County Partnership
Julie Hindall, JAX Chamber
Joseph Hurd, Blair County Chamber of Commerce
Susan Koehn, Metropolitan Milwuakee Association of Commerce/Milwuakee
Alex LaBeau, Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry
Norma Lansing, Effingham County Chamber of Commerce
Avi Leshes, Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce
Michael Mancuso, The Greater Smithfield Selma Area Chamber of Commerce
Annette Medlin, Greater Augusta Regional Chamber of Commerce
Christina Misali, Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber
John Pagen, Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce
Elizabeth Paul, Birmingham Business Alliance
Cassidy Peterson, Greater Spokane Inc.
Heidi Peterson, Wyoming State Chamber of Commerce
Jackson Pruett, The Shelby County Chamber
Anna Ramos, Lancaster Chamber
Sara Ray, Douglas County Chamber of Commerce
Lori Renne, Pennsylvania Chamber of Commerce
David Sabathne, Western DuPage Chamber of Commerce
Jessie Schook, Greater Louisville Inc.
David Schroedel, Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber
Sophie Torres, San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Chad Amond, Westmoreland County Chamber of Commerce
Jennifer Banta, Iowa City Area Chamber of Commerce
Desiree Bennyhoff, Edwardsville/Glen Carbon Chamber of Commerce
Jennifer Boettcher, Grosse Point Chamber of Commerce
Alex Breault, The Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce
Latonya Brock, Quincy Area Chamber of Commerce
Leah Curtsinger, Colorado Chamber of Commerce
Colleen DePasquale, Greater Fort Meyers Chamber of Commerce
Jeffrey Emanuel, The Foundation of The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce
Danielle Fitz-Hugh, Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce
Henry Florsheim, Wichita Falls Chamber of Commerce
Adam Forrand, Partnership Gwinnet/Gwinett Chamber of Commerce
Kelly Fuller, Columbus Chamber of Commerce
Tiffany Garling, Jackson County Chamber of Commerce
Cassie Grigsby, Kentucky Retail Institute
Michael Guymon, Tucson Metro Chamber
John Harmon, The African American Chamber of Commerce of New Jersey (AACCNJ)
Christina Hellmich, Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce
Kyle Jacobson, Lubbock Chamber of Commerce
John Jenks, The Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce
Clint Knight, Richland Area Chamber and Economic Development
Kate Lufkin, Kalispell Chamber
Amy Luyster, The Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce
Timothy Magner, Greater Shreveport Chamber of Commerce
Christopher McDermott, North Central Massachusetts Chamber of Commerce
Sherry Menor-McNamara, Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii
Reyne Moore, Orangeburg County Chamber of Commerce
Rob Parker, Kosciusko Chamber of Commerce
Linda Rabe, Rapid City Area Chamber of Commerce
Kathi Roetter, Troy Area Chamber of Commerce
Krychelle Smith, Calhoun County Area Chamber & Visitors Center
Whitney Theriot, Temple Chamber of Commerce
Heather Tramp, Klamath County Chamber of Commerce
Amy Anderson, Association of Washington Business
Jessica Attas, Waco Chamber of Commerce
Peter Beard, Greater Houston Partnership/UpSkill Houston
Tracey Bryan, The Bridge of Southern New Mexico
Tim Cairl, Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce
Lucia Cape, Chamber of Commerce of Huntsville/Madison County
Camille Conaway, Louisiana Association of Business of Industry
Brian Crouse, Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Donna Custard, New Jersey Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Bernard Dagenais, Main Line Chamber of Commerce
Tony Davis, Natchitoches Community Alliance
Beth Davisson, Kentucky Chamber of Commerce
Patty Day, The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia
Ryan Flynn, Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education (MBAE)
Ben Gilman, Maine State Chamber of Commerce
Lanet Greenhaw, Dallas Regional Chamber
Alex Halper, Pennsylvania Chamber of Commerce
Mike Huckins, Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce
Loren Kaye, California Foundation for Commerce and Education
Stephanie Keinath, Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce
Kim Kuchenbrod, Vermilion Advantage
Timothy Magner, Greater Shreveport Chamber of Commerce
Ethan Melancon, Baton Rouge Area Chamber
Jennifer Mellor, Phoenix Chamber of Commerce
Derek Miller, Salt Lake Chamber
Amber Mooney, Business Council of New York State
Paul Moradkhan, Las Vegas Metro Chamber of Commerce
Mary Anne Sheahan, Vermont Business Roundtable
Garrett Sheehan, Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce
Laura Smith, Buffalo Niagara Partnership
Kwee Lan Teo, Austin Chamber of Commerce
Peg Walton, Tampa Bay Partnership
Kami Welch, Arvada Chamber of Commerce
Gilbert Zavala, Austin Chamber of Commerce
Kim Baker, Gallatin Area Chamber of Commerce
Nathaniel Brown, Oregon Business & Industry
Nicole Bunce, Virginia Chamber of Commerce
Matthew Choy, Florida Chamber of Commerce
Alexis Deblitz, Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce
Debra Derr, NC Chamber
Patrick Ellis, Murrieta/Wildomar Chamber of Commerce
Mat Erpelding, Boise Metro Chamber of Commerce
Angela Finding, Greater Cleveland Partnership
Barbara Jean Garza, Weslaco Area Chamber of Commerce
Gina Grone, North Side/Shore Chamber of Commerce
Alex Guardiola, Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce
Hannah Horne, Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Chamber of Commerce
Patrick Jacob, North Little Rock Chamber of Commerce
Lisa Johnson, Bossier Chamber of Commerce
Elizabeth Kerns, Greater Kokomo Chamber of Commerce
Angie Martin, Milledgeville-Baldwin County Chamber of Commerce
Dean Mitchell, Dothan Area Chamber of Commerce
Heather New, The Chamber of Gadsden & Etowah County
Sue Nicholson, Monroe Chamber of Commerce
Allen Norton, Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry
Dan Papineau, Michigan Chamber of Commerce
Kelly Preneta, The Schuylkill Chamber of Commerce
Beth Rhinehart, Bristol TN/VA Chamber of Commerce
Lauryn Schothorst, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce
James Sutherland, Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce
Jill Williams, Missouri Hospital Association
Stephani Womack, Greater Dalton Chamber of Commerce
Dike Anyiwo, San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce
Kyle Baltuch, Florida Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Jennifer Branch, Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce
Dawson Brunswick, Columbus Area Chamber of Commerce
Irene Bustamente Adams, Workforce Connections, Southern Nevada’s Local Workforce Development Board
Taylor Davis, Wichita Falls Chamber of Commerce
Lynn Farmer, Greater Macon Chamber of Commerce
Brianna Florovito, The Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce
Cheri Gengler, Minneapolis Regional Chamber
Michelle Grajkowski, WMC Foundation
Bettina Hannigan, Florence Area Chamber of Commerce
Tina Hoebelheinrich, Cody County Chamber of Commerce
Corey Hutcherson, Wake Forest Area Chamber Foundation
Miranda Jones, Galion-Crestline Area Chamber of Commerce
Allyson Krull, Mason City Chamber of Commerce
LaKisha Miller, Kentucky Chamber of Commerce
John Newstreet, Kissimmee/Osceola County Chamber of Commerce
Gloria Ortiz-Rivera, ReadyCT
Jordan Osborne, Robertson County Chamber of Commerce
Thomas Paden, Canton Chamber of Commerce
Keala Peters, Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii
Sully Pinos, York County Economic Alliance
Vickie Powell, Mississippi Economic Council
Mason Rademacher, Fargo Moorhead West Fargo Chamber of Commerce
Shelle Randall, Jonesboro Regional Chamber of Commerce
Chip Schwarze, Greater Idaho Falls Chamber of Commerce
Patricia Thomas, Orlando Economic Partnership
Kelly Wallace, Triangle East Chamber of Commerce
Laura Weis, Champaign County Chamber of Commerce
Simon West, Maine State Chamber of Commerce Education Foundation
Stacie Wiedebush, Aberdeen Area Chamber of Commerce
McKinley Winkle, Helena Area Chamber of Commerce
Michael Wood, Dallas Regional Chamber of Commerce
Nailah Abdul-Rahman, ReadyCT
Jonathan Barnett, City of Jackson, Mississippi
Morgan Beltz, Oregon Business & Industry
Lynnette Buffington, Greater Grays Harbor, Inc.
Matt Carbary, Marion Area Chamber of Commerce
David Carlin, Wichita Falls Chamber of Commerce
Angie Clifford, Northmont Area Chamber of Commerce
Karen Cosmas, Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education
Matt Duffy, DeKalb Chamber of Commerce
Sherri Ferguson, Portland Chamber of Commerce
Michael Gallops, Rowlett Area Chamber & Visitors Center
Joshua Goergen, SWFL Inc.
Allyson Gutwein, Zionsville Chamber of Commerce
Matt Hunter, Pocatello-Chubbuck Chamber of Commerce
Tara Lea, Fremont Area Chamber of Commerce
Kelley Lovati, Macomb County Chamber of Commerce
Corrie Melton, Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce
Shanie Mohamed, Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber of Commerce
Debbi Moore, Greater Las Cruces Chamber of Commerce
Guy Occhiogrosso, Bellingham Regional Chamber of Commerce
Mari O'Neil, Retail Association of Maine/Maine Business Education Partnership
Julie Pastrick, Greater Flagstaff Chamber of Commerce
Tosha Ridenour, Greater Louisville, Inc.
Susan Ring, Kissimmee/Osceola County Chamber of Commerce
Barbara Rivera Holmes, Albany Area Chamber of Commerce
Leah Robinson, Michigan Chamber of Commerce
Amanda Rubadue, Aspire Johnson County
Barbara Stapleton, Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce
Beth Truelove, White County Chamber of Commerce
Andrew Weisberg, Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce
Zeb Welborn, Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce
Scott Wolff, Great Falls Area Chamber of Commerce
Katie Yarrow, Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce
Katy Acheson, Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce
Vibha Agrawal, The Main Line Chamber of Commerce
Glen Austin, Greater Houston Partnership
Chris Berleth, Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce
Darlene Blanco, Staten Island Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Olivia Bradford, Shoals Chamber of Commerce
Kelli Brunson, Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Chamber of Commerce
Erin Carter, Denton Chamber of Commerce
Mandy Collins, Aiken Chamber of Commerce
Renee Duxler, Salina Area Chamber of Commerce
Sarah Ehlers, Columbus Area Chamber of Commerce
Katie Ferrier, San Antonio Chamber of Commerce
Ashley Glensor, Lancaster Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Justin Groenert, Chattanooga Area Chamber of Commerce
Amanda Hall, The State Chamber of Oklahoma
Arthur Havlicek, Southwest Michigan Regional Chamber
John Hughes, Kentucky Chamber of Commerce
Barbi Jones, The Chamber, Leading Business in Cabarrus
Kristin Kemak, Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce
Janet Kenefsky, Greater Vancouver Chamber
Jake Mangas, Redding Chamber of Commerce
Maureen McGuinness, Triangle East Chamber of Commerce
Renay Sehgal Mehta, Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce
Brandi Meisner, Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce
Jodi Owczarski, Michigan West Coast Chamber of Commerce
Kate Pangallo, Indy Chamber
Ken Phelps, Daytona Regional Chamber of Commerce
Natalie Pixley, Harford County Chamber of Commerce
Ali Rauch, Opelika Chamber of Commerce
Justin Raymundo, BioSTL
Laura Reiman, Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce
Caitlyn Stark, Cadillac Area Chamber of Commerce
Sherrice Thomas, Columbus Chamber of Commerce
Courtney Thompson, Greater Augusta Regional Chamber of Commerce
Erica Valdriz, Vegas Chamber
Justin Barnes, Ohio Chamber of Commerce
BJ Beaver, Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce
Kara Beer, Battle Creek Area Chamber of Commerce
Michelle Bundren, Murray-Calloway County Chamber of Commerce
Candace Carnahan, Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce
Andrea Copeland, Charlottesville Regional Chamber of Commerce
Brian Davis, Louisiana Association of Business and Industry (LABI)
Nikki Devitt, Petoskey Regional Chamber of Commerce
Telisha Fedele, Greater Burlington Partnership
Tiffany Gallegos Whitley, Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce
Ron Garner, OneSpartanburg, Inc.
Kellie Goodman Shaffer, Bedford County Chamber of Commerce
Trina Goss, GO Topeka/The Greater Topeka Partnership
Crystal Griffith, The Business Council of New York State, Inc. (BCNYS)
Kaley Holyfield, Wyoming Business Council
Todd Hurst, Indiana Chamber of Commerce
Zenani Johnson, Florida Chamber of Commerce
Marcus Keech, Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce
Alyssa Larkey, The Great Falls Area Chamber of Commerce
Lukas Lindner, Greater Wausau Chamber of Commerce
Mitzi McCormick, Halifax County Chamber of Commerce
Jennifer McDonald, Licking County Chamber of Commerce
Lauren Merritt, Macomb Area Chamber of Commerce
Thomas Miller, Greater Cleveland Partnership
Callie Miracle, Kentucky Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Jason Mock, Greater Dalton Chamber
Keith Morgan, Wyoming Kentwood Chamber
Caitlin Pusateri, Rockford Chamber of Commerce
Laci Sherman, North Baton Rouge Chamber of Commerce
Brian Shoaf, Detroit Regional Chamber
Emily Stupnik, Rowlett Area Chamber of Commerce
Kristin Urbach, North Kingstown Chamber of Commerce
Stacie Bytwork, Manistee Area Chamber of Commerce
Liz Conway, Mt. Pleasant Area Chamber of Commerce
Jennifer Heinzman, Barry County Chamber and Economic Development Alliance
Andrea Helart, Lake Havasu Area Chamber of Commerce
Rachel LaCasse-Ford, Mount Horeb Area Chamber of Commerce
Stacy Romero, Broussard Chamber of Commerce
Patty VanderWal, Prattville Area Chamber of Commerce
Ivan Volschenk, Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce
Susan Wan-Ross, Yorba Linda Chamber of Commerce
Amanda Wike, Dixon Chamber of Commerce and Main Street
Bill Zens, Illinois Valley Area Chamber of Commerce
Jennifer Cronk, Discover Kalispell Chamber
Colin Diaz, Tempe Chamber of Commerce
Takiyah Dixon, Lakeland Chamber of Commerce
Amy Foell, San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership
Jordan Gibson, Southeast Kentucky Chamber of Commerce
Jeff Griffin, Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce
Sean Lanning, Tioga County Economic Development & Planning
Trish McFarland, Delaware County Chamber of Commerce
Noelle Pina, Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce
Carley Swaim Walker, Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce
Angi Taylor, BioSTL
Celeste Tiller, York County Regional Chamber of Commerce
Hannah Allen, Maryland Chamber of Commerce
Jessica Anderson, Idaho Association of Commerce & Industry
Jon Dye, Kentucky Chamber of Commerce
Shannon Full, Fargo Moorwead West Fargo Chamber of Commerce
Elizabeth House, The West Virginia Chamber Foundation
Candice Lawrence, Arkansas State Chamber/Associated Industries of Arkansas
Rachel Ludwig, Florida Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Kathleen McArdle, Anchorage Chamber of Commerce
Dustin Miller, Iowa Chamber Alliance
Andrea Pfennig, Greater North Dakota Chamber
Carl Salazar, Greater Houston Partnership
Julie Szeltner, Team NEO
Joel Alvarado, Opelika Chamber of Commerce
Paul Amarone, Connecticut Business & Industry Association
Alexander Benishek, City of Mattoon IL; Mattoon in Motion
Alexander Berrios-Hernandez, Yorba Linda Chamber of Commerce
David Bradley, Athens Area Chamber of Commerce
Teresa Branch, Paragould Regional Chamber of Commerce
Marlisa Briggs, North Houston Association
Laura Brogdon-Primavera, Wilmington Chamber of Commerce
Makayla Buchanan, Florida Chamber Foundation
Amanda Byers, Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce
Jaclyn Crow, Salina Area Chamber of Commerce
Erin Donovan-Boyle, Greater Newport Chamber of Commerce
Lisa Farquharson, The Dalles Area Chamber of Commerce
Reagan Gural, Alamance Chamber
Diane Harlow, Lebanon Valley Chamber of Commerce
Zenovia Harris, Kent Chamber of Commerce
Sheri Heiney, Prescott Chamber of Commerce
Abbey Huguley, Mobile Chamber
Christopher Lugo, Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce
Laura Lyles, Natchitoches Area Chamber of Commerce
Melissa Martinez, Washburn Area Chamber of Commerce
Carrie McCullough, Lancaster County Workforce Development Board
Harper Michael, Kentucky Chamber of Commerce
Murphy Monk, Greater Hartsville Chamber of Commerce
Pam O'Donnell, Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education
JR Olive, Greater Macon Chamber of Commerce
Shawna Reichert, Platte County Chamber of Commerce
Helana Rodriguez, Delaware State Chamber of Commerce
Marc Roe, Greater Ottumwa Partners in Progress
Jason Word, Mississippi Economic Council
Janelle Smith, Howell Area Chamber of Commerce
Tyler Stock, Evansville Regional Economic Partnership
Nicole Tabatabai, Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce
Carly Wakefield, Chandler Chamber of Commerce
Monika Zuluaga, Northern Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce
Mark Allen, The Chamber of Commerce Grand Haven, Spring Lake, Ferrysburg
Molly Alves, Santa Maria Valley Chamber
Nzinga Barnette, Tampa Bay Chamber
Brianna Brazell, Detroit Regional Workforce Partnership
Maria Alejandra, Briceno Florida Chamber Foundation
Christie Bruner, St. Petersburg Area Chamber of Commerce
Alvie Coes III, Athens Area Chamber of Commerce
Emily Cooper, Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce
Ashley DeMuth, Menomonie Area Chamber
Kimberly Elliott, Tecumseh Chamber of Commerce
Zach Fiore, Metro Atlanta Chamber
CS Freeland, Texas Venture Alliance / Texas Association of Business
Megan Harrison, Walton Area Chamber of Commerce
Whitney Harvey, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce
Ellen Heinz, Richland Area Chamber & Economic Development
Jacob Hogan, Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce
Sheridan Hoyer, Montana Chamber of Commerce
Kristopher Kelley, West Monroe West Ouachita Chamber of Commerce
Melissa McLean, St. Paul Area Chamber
Dorian Moe, Kentucky Chamber of Commerce
Addy Monger, Indy Chamber
Brianna Mosier, Flint & Genesee Group
Alexa Motil, O'Fallon Chamber of Commerce & Industries
Sara Odendahl, Bend Chamber of Commerce
Emma Odren, New Castle County Chamber of Commerce
Sam Rauf, Wake County Economic Development
Mallory Roth, Columbus Chamber of Commerce
Jacob Rouch, Erie Regional Chamber and Growth Partnership
Rylee Seim, Columbus Area Chamber of Commerce
Mackenzie Shane, Greater Phoenix Chamber
Malia Sieve, ReadyCT
Barbra Solberg, Cedar Rapids Metro Economic Alliance
Nneka Thompson, Triangle East Chamber of Commerce
Ashley Williams, Greater Muncie Chamber of Commerce
Kenia Zamarripa, San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce