
February 24, 2020


In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the U.S. Chamber Foundation’s International Women’s Day Forum on March 5, we’re highlighting 10 inspiring leaders who have made their mark in advancing opportunities for women and girls. Afdhel Aziz, Founder and Chief Purpose Officer, Conspiracy of Love, and Author, Good is the New Cool, is an expert in brand purpose and social impact.

What is the greatest challenge to achieving gender equality?

I think the greatest challenge to achieving gender equality is men not being able to see how women achieving equality helps them too. Equality doesn’t mean losing your status; it means lifting everyone up to the same place you are. It’s not a zero sum game—rather it is a win-win one. We all win when women are treated equally.

How can we best engage the next generation to continue the momentum?

I think what gives me hope is the rise of #Girldads—men who believe in raising their daughters to feel confident in being able to achieve anything they want to, and willing to go break down walls and barriers to help make that happen. I would love to see those same men apply this principle to the women in their lives that they work with, and challenge themselves to find ways to go beyond their own comfort zones to help make that happen.

What would you like to see change for women in the next 10 years?

I’d like there to be more women in leadership positions, whether they be in corporations, nonprofits or government, without having to compromise who they are—and with the necessary support systems in place, whether they be equal pay legislation or parental leave or childcare, to help level the playing field and to help shift the burden of unpaid work away from women and spread more fairly.

Afdhel Aziz spoke at the U.S. Chamber Foundation’s Corporate Citizenship Conference in November. Join us for the 10th Annual International Women’s Day Forum on March 5 in New York City to hear from leaders driving women's empowerment around the world. Explore the full agenda and register now to save your spot.