Stephanie Walton


July 30, 2019


The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation's Hiring Our Heroes, in collaboration with Booz Allen Hamilton, announced the launch of the Military Spouse Fellowship Program (MSFP) in San Antonio, Texas.

The program will place 25 military spouses with host companies for a six-week immersive fellowship.

“This initiative will put spouses back to work, eliminate gaps in resumes, and allow employers to see first-hand how a military spouse can impact change within a company,” said Eric Eversole, president of Hiring Our Heroes and vice president at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Hiring Our Heroes matches fellowship candidates with participating companies based on the specific skills of the candidate and the preferences of both parties. The professional development and direct connection to local employers offered through the program enables military spouses to build their networks and gain job experience. By hosting a fellow, San Antonio employers gain access to highly skilled talent with diverse experience.

"Booz Allen is invested in the local military community here in San Antonio. We know that military spouse employment is a key contributing factor in sustaining our all-volunteer force. That's why we're excited to lead by example by sponsoring these fellowships and hope to inspire other companies to do the same," said Mark Rydell, principal at Booz Allen Hamilton in San Antonio.

San Antonio is joining cities nationwide in hosting military spouse fellowships in its community. In 2018, 86% of military spouses who completed the program gained meaningful employment. The recipient of the Community Leader Impact Award at the 2019 Military Spouse Employment Summit, San Antonio, is leading efforts in creating an inclusive community where military spouses can succeed in their careers.

“The City of San Antonio is proud to partner with Hiring Our Heroes and other organizations by supporting military spouses with fellowships, providing them with meaningful employment opportunities. This is another example of the city’s long-standing and tangible support of the military men and women who call our great city home,” said Juan Ayala, retired Marine Corps Major General and Director of Military Affairs for the City of San Antonio.

About the authors

Stephanie Walton