Ann Vogel
- Senior Vice President of Charitable Programs, iBIO Institute
Ann Vogel is Senior Vice President of Charitable Programs for the iBIO Institute. iBIO Institute is a public charity focused on providing education, training, and research to support the life sciences community in Illinois and the surrounding Midwest. Ann leads development and implementation teams for all STEM education programs. Under her leadership, the Institute launched a number of successful new programs including: the PROPEL® programs for entrepreneurs, TalentSparks! ® teacher professional development, Stellar Girls after-school STEM program for middle school girls, STEMgirls® Summer Camps, SCI: Science Career Investigation®, iBIO STEM Kits, iBIO's EPIC Clearinghouse, LabShare equipment redistribution program, and an 11-state expansion of the STEMgirls camps funded by the U.S. Department of Defense funded called STEMKAMP. Ann has twice been elected to serve on the Executive Committee of the national Coalition of State Bioscience Institutes, which she co-chaired from 2015-2017.
Prior to joining the Institute in 2006, Ann successfully directed BiTmaP, a first of its kind, U.S. Department of Labor-sponsored initiative with the University of Illinois at Chicago that provides bioinformatics training to IT professionals. Prior to BiTmaP, she assisted in the management of technology start-ups and small businesses in Illinois and California, directing research, business development, operations, quality assurance, sales and marketing.
Ann is a licensed acupuncturist, holds an MS in Traditional Chinese Medicine and a BS in Nutrition from the Midwest College of Oriental Medicine. In 2010, Ann co-founded Point of Health Acupuncture and owns Birdhouse Acupuncture, both health and wellness businesses. Ann received her BS in Biology from the University of Illinois at Chicago.